Tuesday, April 7, 2009

International Response to Threat to Palau's Sharks!

Just a quick update to thank all of you who have taken the time to submit your comments regarding the proposed legislations to permit commercial shark fishing and promote purse-seining in Palau's EEZ. There is still time to comment, so if you've not already done so, please take the time now and submit your comments. For more information on the issue at hand, please read the post immediately preceding this one.

All messages sent to the Belau Tourism Association bta@palaunet.com and Palau Chamber of Commerce pcoc@palaunet.com have been submitted to the Senate Committee in charge of reviewing these Bills.

By way of clarification, these Bills were submitted by just two of Palau's thirteen Senators and don't necessarily reflect the position of the Administration or other Senators. The Bills will be reviewed in Committee before further action is taken. It is therefore very important that the review committee hears from as many people as possible on the potential damage to Palau's marine environment and tourism industry that passage of these proposed Bills (SB8-44 and SB8-50) may cause.

Following are LINKS to some of the organizations that have already publicized this issue that includes SHARK DIVERS, FINS ONLINE MAGAZINE, GUNTHER DEICHMANN, STOP SHARK FINNING. RTSEABLOG. I sincerely appreciate your support. I also apologize to those I've missed and I'm sure there are plenty. I will post more links as time permits.







I've also had support from http://www.year-of-the-shark-2009.org
Let Sharks Live Think Tank Network
and from http://savesharksnow.livejournal.com/

I am working on an online petition and other outreach programs and will post that information as soon as I can.

Please continue to spread the word and urge as many people as possible to submit their comments.


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